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    Glosses illuminate your floor

    Be it Matte or Satin, a floor gloss serves the same purpose as the gloss in paint: it determines the level of light that reflects off the surface.

    We offer different types of glosses based on the level of light reflection desired.


    • Low light reflection.
    • No sheen.
    • Help to hide signs of wear.


    • Textured effect.
    • Low light reflection.
    • No sheen.
    • Help to hide signs of wear.


    • Moderate light reflection.
    • Lightly transparent and silky.

    Pro-brushed (Matte)

    Textured effect.
    Low light reflection.
    No sheen.
    Help to hide signs of wear.

    Pro (Satin)

    Moderate light reflection.
    Lightly transparent and silky.

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